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Puff for Radiant Cushion Compact

於肌膚保養或妝前乳(霜)後使用。 將粉撲輕壓於海綿二至三次,以沾取適量粉底。 從臉頰中央開始,將粉撲輕拍于肌膚並向外延伸,直至半側臉完成上妝,另一邊的臉頰亦採用相同方式。將粉撲對折或使用手指塗勻眼周、鼻翼及其他部位粉底,使妝效更精緻。 需要較多遮瑕覆蓋、膚色不勻或瑕疵之處,可再用粉撲沾取少量粉底,視需求多層次輕拍覆迭。 

Apply foundation following skincare or the application of a pre-makeup base or primer. Lightly press the puff onto the foundation surface two or three times to allow sufficient foundation to adhere. Gently pat the puff onto the skin, beginning at the center of one cheek and moving to other areas until application is completed on one half of the face. Apply in the same manner to the other side of the face. Fold the puff in half or use fingers to blend foundation over the eye area, nose, and other areas requiring precise application. For optimal application, keep the puff clean by massaging it gently with mild detergent and warm water. Rinse the puff thoroughly and blot gently to remove excess water. Allow the puff to dry completely prior to use.

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